MCF Wholesale to the Rescue in Tennessee


Location: Murfreesboro, Tennessee
Loan Type: Home Purchase
Purchase Price: $1,000,000.00

$ Rescued Commission: $30,000.00

🛑 The Problem:
  • Our borrower was a REALTOR® as well as an entrepreneur of a fledgling brand-new business.
  • This borrower had tried other lenders however their income stream was unique, and they had taken advantage of the tax benefits that are available for REALTORs®.
  • Their income taxes did not represent their true income due to write-offs and depreciation. They made money but could not document it as required by traditional banks and lenders.
  • Banks don’t know how to work with self-employed borrowers who use the tax code to their advantage!
🙌 The Solution:
  • At MCF Mortgage, we embrace entrepreneurship. This borrower knew we could get the job done.
  • After our initial discussion, we identified the appropriate MCF Portfolio Program that made sense for this family and their unique income scenario!
  • We closed the loan for an amazing family and rescued our REALTOR®/Borrower partners’ well-deserved commission of $30,000.00.
  • It’s an amazing feeling when REALTOR® partners trust you with their own transactions. We are humbled and honored. 💕
Sep 14 deal fees

As always, remember to Mortgage IntelligentlyTM